Thursday, May 16, 2013

Room #3 - Machine Room A

This room is... kinda big. Scratch that, really big. I can barely see the other side. I'm kinda high up, though. I'm on a catwalk of some sort. Below me are a bunch of machines. I... can't really tell what they're doing. I think they're manufacturing something, from the looks of the tubes and ducts connecting them, but they're sealed off, so I can't tell.

Hmm, there's some stairs to my right, going down into what looks like a small room. Let's take a look...


... there's a plaque on the door, marked: Machine Room A Storage. Huh. Let's go inside, then, I guess...


... it's dark in here. A lot of boxes scattered around. Anything in these?

Well, there's a bunch of wrenches, pliers, scrap metal, the works. Wait, there's a paper here. It says this: 'Subject 27's readings are phenomenal. He is proceeding through the Maze with unprecedented speed. The last one to go through that quickly was Nero... but I digress. He is almost finished with the Machine Labyrinth  I'm going to reroute him into Wednesday's Labyrinth when he's finished. Prep the welcome committee and two possible pathways. He should be another hour or so.

- Thursday'

That... was rather cryptic. I wonder what it was doing in a random box, though. Either way, I'm going to assume that I am most likely in the Maze, then. He or she referenced the Machine Labyrinth, which could fit the room that I was just in. I'm not going to pass judgment quite yet, but it seems pretty certain that I'm in this "Labyrinth."

There's another door here...

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